

  1. … got to …
  2. I gotta … = …
  3. … take for granted …
  4. … granted my wish …
  5. … supposed to …
  6. … wrap up …
  7. Restaurant Conversations
  8. … used to … / … would …
  9. Subjunctive Mood
  10. Phrases

English key Points Conclusion .1

… got to …

Show appreciation or gratitude for an opportunity.

  • I got to ride in a helicopter today! 我今天乘坐了直升机!
  • I got to stay in a fancy hotel last night!

I gotta … = …

**The same as “I have got to …”. ***

  • I gotta go to work! 我必须工作了!
  • I gotta do some laundry! 我必须洗点衣服了!

… take for granted …

Don’t take for granted what others do for you. You should be grateful. 不要认为别人为你做什么是理所当然。

… granted my wish …

My company granted my wish and bought me a new computer.

… supposed to …

  • I’m supposed to call my parents every Sunday. 我们周日都应该给我父母打电话。
  • We’re supposed to finish work at 8pm.
  • To pitch a tent. 搭帐篷。
  • We’re going to rise to the challenge. 我们将迎接挑战。

… wrap up …

Are there any other questions before we wrap up the meetng?

Restaurant Conversations

  • Q: What do/would you want to eat?
  • Q: What do you feel like (eating)?
  • Q: What sounds good to you?
  • Q: What are you in the mood for?
  • A: Let’s go to Burger King / Let’s go for Chinese food (cuisine); Chinese;
  • Q: What are you gonna get? 你想要点什么?
  • A: I’m gonna get an ice-cream.
  • Q: Do you wanna get an appetizer?
  • A: Yes/Sure/Nah.
  • Q: Do you wanna get dessert?
  • A: Yes/Sure/Nah.
  • Q: Are you gonna get a drink?
  • A: Yes/Nah/No. (Can not use “sure” to respond here, because it’s not an agreement)

… used to … / … would …

  • I used to play scooer. (I play soccer long time ago, but not now)
  • I used to be a teacher. (I was a teacher before, but not now)
  • Where did you used to play?

  • Didn’t you used to have a car? (For confirmation purpose)

  • When I was a kid, I would collect stamps and put them in a box in my room. (Used for repeated actions, but can not be used for statuses)

  1. Introduce the concept with “used to”;
  2. Give details(repeated actions) with “would”(specific time period);
  3. End with past(memory) or present(the situation now) tense statements;
  • I used to live with a really messy roommate. Every week, the guy would leave his dirty dishes in the sink and wait for me to clean them up! I eventually moved out.
  • My parents used to live around here when I worked in this neighborhood. I would go to their house every week for dinner. My mom makes amazing food, and my dad is pretty good with barbecue.

Subjunctive Mood

  • 真实条件状语从句(真实可能性很大):If it is raining tomorrow, we will cancel the sports meeting.
  • 对现在的情况进行虚拟假设:(If + 主语 + did(were),主语 + would(should、could、might)+ do) e.g. If I knew her telephone number, I would tell you.
  • 对过去的情况进行虚拟假设:(If + 主语 + had done, 主语 + would(should、could、might)+ have done.) e.g. If you had listened to me, you would have avoided the mistake.
  • 对未来的情况进行虚拟假设:(If + 主语 + should(were to)+ do, 主语 + would(could、should、might)+ do) e.g. If it were to rain tomorrow, I would stay at home.


  • To kill 2 birds with one stone. = To achieve 2 things with 1 action.
  • To keep an eye out for sth (a new restaruant). = Please watch carefully for sth.
  • To add fuel to the fire.
  • To poke the bear. = To make a joke on sb who was already upset.
  • To wrap your head around sth. (e.g. I can’t warp my head around why made this descision.) = I can’t understand sth.
  • To call it a day. (Use this when leave school, off work. e.g. I am gonna call it a day.) = To decide to finish the day.
  • It’s not rocket science. = It’s not difficult.
  • To burn the candle at both ends. = Working too hard, but usually with negative effects.
  • To be in the dark. (e.g. I am in the dark about the topic for today’s meeting.) = To have no information.
  • To play devil’s advocate. (e.g. I am gonna play devil’s advocate here.) = Argue with sb on sth, agree but need to ask questions and clarify sth.
  • To draw a blank. (e.g. Sorry, I am drawing a blank on her name.) = Unable to remember sth;
  • To fight fire with fire.
  • To go viral. = To get very popular in a very peroid short of time.
  • Hair of the dog (that bit you). = Alcohol.
  • Hands down. (e.g. Hands down, this is the best dinner you have ever made.) = No doubts.
  • Not my cup of tea. (e.g. that movie was not my cup of tea.) = I don’t like it.
  • On the fence. (e.g. I am on the fence about which place should I move to.) = Not able to decide sth.
  • To read between the lines. = Understand sth that is not said.
  • To take the wind out of sb’s sail. = To cause sb to lose their confidence.
  • Hit the hay. (e.g. I am gonna hit the hay.) = Go to sleep.

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